The number of mercy missions keeps growing
On the second day of May the Allied and the Germans ratified the
truce on which they had agreed on April 30. For the aircrews this
official truce mend that the number of drop zones was extended from
five to eleven. The RAF and the USAAF had their own drop zones after
May 1. The RAF continued dropping on Valkenburg, Duindigd, Ypenburg,
Terbregge, Gouda and Meteo recce. The USAAF started dropping on
airport Schiphol, Vogelenzang, Bergen,
Hilversum and Utrecht.
Friesch Dagblad Wednesday 2 May 1945
The food delivery to occupied
Also delivery by sea and land.
The allied high command has announced that an arrangement
has been made for the food delivery to occupied
Holland. The German and Allied representatives
have reached full agreement this Monday on the way in which the
food will be delivered. The meeting was attended among others by
lieutenant general Smith of the Allied headquarters, Prince Bernhardt
as commander in chief of the interior forces. Of the German delegation
Seys Inquart was one of the members. The Germans agreed with the
Allied propositions. Experts worked the details of the transport
out, broadcasts 'Herrijzend Nederland' (the radio station in London
the re-rising Netherlands).
- The transport by air. Ten areas have been agreed upon, where food will be dropped. This will take place between 7 AM and 3 PM. They will be able to prosecute their tasks unchallenged.
- The transport by sea. Rotterdam will be opened for supply ships carrying food. The Germans will secure these ships. The first ship is expected soon.
- Transport by land. The Germans have made one highway available. The first 1000 ton can be expected today.
3650 ton has already been dropped since Sunday. Yesterday, 400 American airplanes dropped 800 ton food in the vincity of the Hague and Rotterdam. On the last missions the aircraft that went airborne had to struggle through heavy rain and snow in order to reach their target. One of the pilots told that people had been waving table cloths and sheets. Thousands of people had rushed into the streets.
Dit Engelstalige boek "Operation Chowhound" over de voedseldroppingen is in 2015 verschenen. Je kunt het via onderstaande link in de nederlandse webshop kopen...
