Friesch Daglad Friday 4 May 1945
Richly loaded trucks drive into Holland - Prelude to Victory
English and American bombers have again dropped another 2700 tons of food over occupied Holland since Wednesday. The ships that carry food will from this moment on go directly to Amsterdam. Trucks are now bringing in supplies as well. A place has been assigned within the German lines, where every truck can drop off ten tons of supplies. Every convoy is accompanied by a jeep carrying a white flag. Canadian MP's were posted on several places while further up the road German SS-men were posted. The convoy were greeted by cheering crowds: Dutch people helped to unload the trucks. It was clearly noticeable that the hunger had weakened the people. Some took the liberty to taste a biscuit in advance. The transport-system worked smoothly. Dutch policemen were present at the supply dumps. The Canadian Army has provided 200 trucks for the transport of the food to the different places. The river ships will also be called upon for aid. The Germans have agreed to make the rivers accessible again. Food from Switzerland will be brought through the Zuiderzee directly to Amsterdam. The transport though the air can provide 30 million rations.
The New York Tribune writes that the remarkable agreement on which the port of Rotterdam and certain roads have been opened, might be a sign that the end of German occupation is coming near.
Dit Engelstalige boek "Operation Chowhound" over de voedseldroppingen is in 2015 verschenen. Je kunt het via onderstaande link in de nederlandse webshop kopen...
